
Menkop UKM Tak Sabar Menunggu "Koperasi Desainer" Gagasan IFC

Coordinating Minister for SMEs Can't Wait for IFC's "Designer Cooperative".

Minister of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises Teten Masduki admitted that he could not wait for the formation of the "designer cooperative" idea of ​​IFC.

Coordinating Minister for SMEs Can't Wait for IFC's "Designer Cooperative".

Minister of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises Teten Masduki admitted that he could not wait for the formation of the "designer cooperative" idea of ​​IFC.

Ekonomi Sirkular Bisa Jadi Solusi Limbah Tekstil di Indonesia

Circular Economy Can Be a Solution for Textile Waste in Indonesia

Those in the textile supply chain are driving circular economy awareness and sustainable business collaboration in the fashion sector.

Circular Economy Can Be a Solution for Textile Waste in Indonesia

Those in the textile supply chain are driving circular economy awareness and sustainable business collaboration in the fashion sector.

Ekspor Tekstil Indonesia Bertumbuh

Indonesia's Textile Exports Grow

Indonesia's textile product exports experienced a fairly high upward trend. The government has prepared various incentives to maintain the economy in this sector

Indonesia's Textile Exports Grow

Indonesia's textile product exports experienced a fairly high upward trend. The government has prepared various incentives to maintain the economy in this sector